Ready for pickup between 22 January and 23 January if you place your order within the next 16hrs 3mins
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Ready for delivery between 22 January and 23 January if you place your order within the next 16hrs 3mins
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Applied to devices that output coaxial or fiber-optic digital audio, convert the Digital audio signal to L / R analog audio to a speakeror other sound equipment .... NOTE:Please disconnect the power when not in use, energy saving and environmental protection Provides Electromagnetic-noise-free Transmission, Incoming Bit Stream on Left and Right Channels analog audio output does No extral drive installation matter,Full Metal lightweight body perfect for Home theater audio system or music audio adapter Enhance HD Sound Signals over Long Distance Broadcasting Smoothly The optical cable and the power cord Length is (3.28 feet) Please remove the fiber protection cover when using it Please make sure that the quality of the RCA audio cable is not damaged When use the converter especially the fiber cable port needs to be tightly inserted to avoid affecting audio transmission!
Key Features
Type: Video Converters
Applied to devices that output coaxial or fiber-optic digital audio, convert the Digital audio signal to L / R analog audio to a speakeror other sound equipment
3.NOTES: Please disconnect the power when not in use, energy saving and environmental protection Provides Electromagnetic-noise-free Transmission, Incoming Bit Stream on Left and Right Channels analog audio output does No extral drive installation matter,Full Metal lightweight body perfect for Home theater audio system or music audio adapter Enhance HD Sound Signals over Long Distance Broadcasting Smoothly The optical cable and the power cord Length is (3.28 feet) Please remove the fiber protection cover when using it Please make sure that the quality of the RCA audio cable is not damaged When use the converter especially the fiber cable port needs to be tightly inserted to avoid affecting audio transmission!
Production Country: China
Color: Black
Main Material: Plastic
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Digital Fiber Optical To Analog Audio Converter - Black